Sunday 28 April 2019

Why is wisdom in the book of proverbs considered a woman

This morning I was listening to the audio of the bible app in Proverbs chapter 3. I was wondering to myself why wisdom is considered to be a she. Now from prior knowledge I know wisdom,knowledge, and understand are all ministering spirits other words they're Angel's or messengers described in Hebrews 1:14 & Isaiah 11:2.

So now I find myself have to go deeper in thought because that means in heaven we would be seeing female angels. Now in the past I've found myself asking,what happens to women after the rapture when we go to heaven? Will women stay the same or turn in to men? The answer is they stay the same because woman were created from the ribs of Adam for the purposes of helping procreation and replenishing the earth. The difference in a females body physically is to attract men to create a child, nourish and comfort them why the have breast wide hips smaller bodies and difference reproductive organs as well have the need to change a man and comfort him. On the other side a man has a flat chest, so bags of flesh don't get in the way when fighting of enemies,danger, bigger bodies covered in bulging muscles good for building and farming/gathering,and deeper voices to intimidate and to be heard. Which attract women because hes a strong protector and gatherer. A mans physical features would be best suited for an angel because they are know to fight battles against evil spirits (Demon and The Fallen). Now I'm not saying a mother can't fight off a hungry bear for her children but this is more of a mans duties.

Back to Angel's, in genesis we know Fallen Angel's took women to be wives as rebellion to God why he flood the world and locked them fallen under darkness for judgment (Genis 6:1-4 & Jude 1:6 & Rev 9:13-16). So that means they were attracted to women because giant offspring was a result of this unholy union. Now (Matt 22:30 ) talks about no marriage in heaven, this is because everyone in heaven must be of Male gender before the creation of man,and same sex marriage is an abomination to God why its prohibited. Just imagine being a general in an army and everyone in it is a couple, people would not be focused because they might be worrying about their spouses and their obligations before anything. Us as people waiting for angel to do Spritral work for God as our benefits would never get done.

So the answer is that ministering spirits aka wisdom in this case is an angel,but the question still remains why is wisdom considered a she? Well in (Genis 1:26) God only made Adam (Male) at first but made Eve (Female) after because he was lonely,and can't replicate by him self because Males are represented one half of God's characteristic which is the justice portion, why most super hero are men first. Woman represented intelligence, kindness,gentleness, unwavering love,and order. The  symbolism of

This show many things mostly the structure of our society in terms of how it works... and are men in charge just like a positive and negative magnet they attract to make a whole. In those days women would not have much of a say in decision make when is came to what's best for the people of a village or civilization because woman think with their hearts and not their heads, but hold on to that statement because it's going to make sense in a minute. But because of factor this is why Angel's were perceive to this day as men, here's an example. You and your female companion (mom,aunt,daughter, niece,sister ect.) goes to Walmart computer shopping and you need a mouse. She has a selection of 40 of them but she pick the tiny mouse shaped on thats pink and squeaks when you click it. If you ask why she picked it, chances are its because it's cute over its functionality. Not all women are like this but most. This is why men are in charge, there has not been a female president in USA even after women gained the chance to vote (Hillary Clinton). Statistic show men die more frequently than women.

The reason I just gave is why wisdom is considered a woman is because women cause men to act or behave using their hearts(Dating,Fatherhood) and not ther heads. Just like when you're going to do something wrong or if you've done something you feel like dying with anticipation of disappointment when your mother confronts you. It's the same reason why the knowledge of knowing God is the beginnings of wisdom, it softens your heart to listen to God words and follow his commandments which begins to you changing you life. This is why wisdom is a considered to be a woman in Proverbs.

Who ever is reading this I'd like you to know if you got to this point God has been speaking to you, hes saying he loves you and doesn't want you to perish with the evil Angel's that rebelled against him. For you to be save please turn from your wicked nature which all man even myself has been guilty of pleasuring in. If you would like to be saved and forgiven just recite this prayer aloud. Dear Heavenly Father I have sinned against you ,I am a sinner and I am truly sorry, I repent and turn away from my sins, I know I am not perfect, but help be to be like Jesus. I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and he died to pay for all my sins. Please come in to my heart, and be my Savior. Thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name, Amen. The word Amen in Hebrew means (it is so)God the father witness your prayer so it is true. You are on a clean slate, it will be hard at first to break old habits,but if you believe in God, He will help you. Nobody is not perfect we sin unknowingly sometime because of our nature. But always pray/talk with God to forgives you of you sins and he will. He intended for us to live normal lives and remember him in everything we do by reading our bibles,fasting, and praying to him that's what a Christian truly is. All these things can be found on Google remember to study more than one source before coming to a conclusion of how to do these things. If it's right your conscience aka the holy spirit with right info from the wrong. Look for a church and consider to be baptized. It represents your devotion to be good and to follow Jesus. God be with you, have a blessed day!

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